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  • jochengielen

Tenerife (Canary Islands - Spain)

In 2020 I got an email from Brussels Airlines, they informed me that I had over 30.000 Loops in my account and they would close down the Loops system by January 2021 so if I didn't want to loose these Loops I should book a ticket ... in full lockdown?!?! ... what were they thinking? So I decided to book a ticket but to where? ... after much browsing I figured I could fly to Tenerife, one of the Spanish Canary Islands. Of course the flight was cancelled due to Covid19 so I rebooked for free, the flight was cancelled a second time but by the third time I got lucky ... lockdowns were all over and traveling was possible again ... so I went to Tenerife in May 2021.

For this trip I only created an album on this website with the photos and a blog on that you can find here:

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